Skyblock – Hodnoty bloků

Všechny bloky v tabulce neuvedené mají hodnotu 0.01.

U některých bloků je limit kolik bloků na ostrově vám bude započteno.
Limit je buď tvrdý, bude započteno jen prvních X položených bloků, za další nebudou žádné další body (např. postel vám bude na ostrově započtena jen jednou).
Hodnoty Limit označené hvězdičkou podléhají klesající návratnosti, což znamená že za plnou hodnotu bodů bude započteno jen prvních X položených bloků (poslední sloupec), za bloky nad limit budete nadále dostávat body ale jejich hodnota se bude stále snižovat (např. dia bloky budou započteny prvních 5 za 5 bodů, hodnota dalších dia bloků nebude započtena. V případě zlatých bloků bude prvních 100 položených bloků počítáné 1.5 levelu za blok, pokud položíte bloků více, odměna za jednotlivý blok bude klesat).

BlokLimitSkore za blokNavratnost bloku
Acacia door 0.02 
Acacia fence 0.01755000
Acacia fence gate 0.04100
Acacia stairs 0.015 
Acacia trapdoor 0.03 
Acacia wood 0.0110000
  Stripped acacia wood
Activator rail 0.02 
  Cave air, Void air
Allium 0.01100
Amethyst block 0.05 
Ancient debris 0.5 
Andesite 0.012510000
Andesite slab 0.006510000
Andesite stairs 0.0155000
Andesite wall 0.01255000
  Chipped anvil, Damaged anvil
Azalea 0.01100
Azure bluet 0.01100
  Bamboo sapling
Barrel 0.0125 
Barrier 0.0 
Bedrock 0.0 
  Bee nest
Beetroots 0.0 
Bell 0.05 
Big dripleaf 0.01100
  Small dripleaf
Birch door 0.02 
Birch fence 0.01755000
Birch fence gate 0.04100
Birch stairs 0.015 
Birch trapdoor 0.03 
Birch wood 0.0110000
  Stripped birch wood
Blackstone slab 0.00510000
Blackstone stairs 0.0155000
Blackstone wall 0.015000
Blast furnace2500.05 
Blue ice 0.05 
Blue orchid 0.01100
Bookshelf 0.05 
Brewing stand100.03 
Brick slab 0.02510000
Brick stairs 0.0755000
Brick wall 0.055000
Bricks 0.05 
Brown mushroom 0.01100
Brown mushroom block 0.01100
Cactus 0.0 
Cake 0.05 
Calcite 0.02 
Cartography table2500.015 
Carrots 0.0 
  Lava cauldron, Water cauldron, Powder snow cauldron
Chest 0.015 
Chiseled deepslate 0.01 
Chiseled nether bricks 0.0210000
Chiseled polished blackstone 0.01210000
Chiseled red sandstone 0.02510000
Chiseled sandstone 0.0810000
Chiseled stone bricks 0.01210000
  Infested chiseled stone bricks
Clay 0.05 
Coal block 0.5100
Coal ore 0.2 
  Deepslate coal ore
Cobweb 0.02 
Coarse dirt 0.02510000
Cobbled deepslate 0.0110000
Cobbled deepslate slab 0.00510000
Cobbled deepslate stairs 0.0155000
Cobbled deepslate wall 0.015000
  Infested cobblestone
Cobblestone slab 0.00510000
Cobblestone stairs 0.0155000
Cobblestone wall 0.015000
Cocoa 0.0 
Command block 0.0 
  Chain command block, Repeating command block, Structure block, Structure void
Comparator 0.015 
Copper block 0.3 
  Exposed copper, Weathered copper, Oxidized copper
Copper ore 0.2 
  Deepslate copper ore
Cornflower 0.01100
Cracked deepslate bricks 0.017510000
Cracked deepslate tiles 0.017510000
Cracked nether bricks 0.022510000
Cracked polished blackstone bricks 0.01210000
Cracked stone bricks 0.01510000
  Infested cracked stone bricks
Crimson door 0.02 
Crimson fence 0.01755000
Crimson fence gate 0.04100
Crimson fungus 0.0 
Crimson hyphae 0.0110000
  Stripped crimson hyphae
Crimson nylium 0.01510000
Crimson roots 0.0 
Crimson stairs 0.015 
Crimson stem 0.01100
  Stripped crimson stem
Crimson trapdoor 0.03 
Crying obsidian 0.1 
Cut copper 0.3 
  Exposed cut copper, Weathered cut copper, Oxidized cut copper
Cut copper slab 0.15 
  Exposed cut copper slab, Weathered cut copper slab, Oxidized cut copper slab
Cut copper stairs 0.175 
  Exposed cut copper stairs, Weathered cut copper stairs, Oxidized cut copper stairs
Cut red sandstone 0.025 
Cut red sandstone slab 0.012510000
Cut sandstone 0.08 
Cut sandstone slab 0.0410000
Dandelion 0.01100
Dark oak door 0.02 
Dark oak fence 0.01755000
Dark oak fence gate 0.04100
Dark oak stairs 0.015 
Dark oak trapdoor 0.03 
Dark oak wood 0.0110000
  Stripped dark oak wood
Dark prismarine 0.0510000
Dark prismarine slab 0.02510000
Dark prismarine stairs 0.0755000
Daylight detector 0.2 
Deepslate 0.01510000
  Infested deepslate
Deepslate brick slab 0.008510000
Deepslate brick stairs 0.025000
Deepslate brick wall 0.01755000
Deepslate bricks 0.017510000
Deepslate tile slab 0.008510000
Deepslate tile stairs 0.025000
Deepslate tile wall 0.01755000
Deepslate tiles 0.017510000
Detector rail 0.02 
Diamond block 5.0 
Diamond ore 0.4 
  Deepslate diamond ore
Diorite 0.012510000
Diorite slab 0.006510000
Diorite stairs 0.0155000
Diorite wall 0.01255000
Dirt 0.0210000
  Farmland, Rooted dirt
Dirt path 0.025000
Dragon egg25.0 
Dried kelp block 0.02 
Dripstone block 0.015 
Emerald block 1.0 
Emerald ore 0.2 
  Deepslate emerald ore
Enchanting table 0.15 
End portal 0.0 
  End portal frame
End stone100000.015 
End stone brick slab 0.007510000
End stone brick stairs 0.025000
End stone brick wall 0.0155000
End stone bricks100000.015 
Ender chest32.0 
Fern 0.01100
Fire 0.0 
Fletching table2500.015 
Frosted ice 0.0 
Gilded blackstone 0.05 
Glass 0.05 
Glass pane 0.01 
Glowstone 0.02 
Glow lichen 0.01100
Gold block 1.5100
Gold ore 0.5 
  Deepslate gold ore
Granite 0.012510000
Granite slab 0.006510000
Granite stairs 0.0155000
Granite wall 0.01255000
Grass block 0.0210000
Gravel 0.02 
Hay block 0.02 
Heavy weighted pressure plate 0.05 
Ice 0.05 
Iron bars 0.0125 
Iron block 0.3 
Iron door 0.2 
Iron ore 0.2 
  Deepslate iron ore
Iron trapdoor 0.0210
Jack o lantern 0.02 
Jukebox 0.05 
Jungle door 0.02 
Jungle fence 0.01755000
Jungle fence gate 0.04100
Jungle stairs 0.015 
Jungle trapdoor 0.03 
Jungle wood 0.0110000
  Stripped jungle wood
Kelp 0.0 
  Kelp plant
Ladder 0.0 
Lantern 0.025 
Lapis block 0.5 
Lapis ore 0.3 
  Deepslate lapis ore
Lava 0.0 
Light weighted pressure plate 0.115 
Lilac 0.01100
Lily of the valley 0.01100
Magma block 0.015 
Melon 0.0 
Melon stem 0.0 
  Attached melon stem
Moss block 0.0210000
Moss carpet 0.0155000
Mossy cobblestone 0.03 
Mossy cobblestone slab 0.01510000
Mossy cobblestone stairs 0.025000
Mossy cobblestone wall 0.035000
Mossy stone brick slab 0.01610000
Mossy stone brick stairs 0.0215000
Mossy stone brick wall 0.0325000
Mossy stone bricks 0.032 
  Infested mossy stone bricks
Mushroom stem 0.01100
Mycelium 0.0210000
Nether brick fence 0.0310000
Nether brick slab 0.0120000
Nether brick stairs 0.035000
Nether brick wall 0.025000
Nether bricks 0.0220000
Nether gold ore 0.5 
Nether portal 0.0 
Nether quartz ore 0.05 
Nether wart 0.0 
Netherite block 5.0 
Note block 0.02 
Oak door 0.02 
Oak fence 0.01755000
Oak fence gate 0.04100
Oak leaves 0.0 
  Acacia leaves, Birch leaves, Dark oak leaves, Jungle leaves, Spruce leaves, Azalea leaves, Flowering azalea leaves
Oak log 0.01100
  Acacia log, Birch log, Dark oak log, Jungle log, Spruce log
Oak pressure plate 0.0 
  Acacia pressure plate, Birch pressure plate, Crimson pressure plate, Dark oak pressure plate, Jungle pressure plate, Spruce pressure plate, Warped pressure plate
Oak sapling 0.0 
  Acacia sapling, Birch sapling, Dark oak sapling, Jungle sapling, Spruce sapling, Azalea
Oak sign 0.0 
  Acacia sign, Acacia wall sign, Birch sign, Birch wall sign, Crimson sign, Crimson wall sign, Dark oak sign, Dark oak wall sign, Jungle sign, Jungle wall sign, Oak wall sign, Spruce sign, Spruce wall sign, Warped sign, Warped wall sign
Oak slab 0.00515000
  Acacia slab, Birch slab, Crimson slab, Dark oak slab, Jungle slab, Spruce slab, Warped slab
Oak stairs 0.015 
Oak trapdoor 0.03 
Oak wood 0.0110000
  Stripped oak wood
Observer 0.015 
Obsidian 0.250
Orange tulip 0.01100
Oxeye daisy 0.01100
Packed ice 0.015 
Peony 0.01100
Pink tulip 0.01100
Piston 0.04 
Piston head 0.0 
  Moving piston
Podzol 0.02510000
Polished andesite 0.01510000
Polished andesite slab 0.007510000
Polished andesite stairs 0.01755000
Polished basalt 0.01220000
Polished blackstone 0.01220000
Polished blackstone brick slab 0.00610000
Polished blackstone brick stairs 0.0185000
Polished blackstone brick wall 0.0125000
Polished blackstone bricks 0.01220000
Polished blackstone button 0.0 
Polished blackstone pressure plate 0.0 
Polished blackstone slab 0.00610000
Polished blackstone stairs 0.0185000
Polished blackstone wall 0.0125000
Polished deepslate 0.017510000
Polished deepslate slab 0.008510000
Polished deepslate stairs 0.025000
Polished deepslate wall 0.01755000
Polished diorite 0.01510000
Polished diorite slab 0.007510000
Polished diorite stairs 0.01755000
Polished granite 0.01510000
Polished granite slab 0.007510000
Polished granite stairs 0.01755000
Poppy 0.01100
Potatoes 0.0 
Powered rail 0.02 
Prismarine 0.0510000
Prismarine brick slab 0.02510000
Prismarine brick stairs 0.0755000
Prismarine bricks 0.0510000
Prismarine slab 0.02510000
Prismarine stairs 0.0755000
Prismarine wall 0.055000
Pumpkin 0.0 
Pumpkin stem 0.0 
  Attached pumpkin stem
Purpur block 0.01510000
Purpur pillar 0.0155000
Purpur slab 0.007510000
Purpur stairs 0.02255000
Quartz block 0.15000
  Chiseled quartz block, Quartz bricks, Quartz pillar
Quartz slab 0.0510000
Quartz stairs 0.155000
Raw copper block 0.25 
Raw gold block 0.75 
Raw iron block 0.25 
Red mushroom 0.01100
Red mushroom block 0.01100
Red nether brick slab 0.0110000
Red nether brick stairs 0.035000
Red nether brick wall 0.025000
Red nether bricks 0.0210000
Red sand 0.022510000
Red sandstone 0.025 
Red sandstone slab 0.012510000
Red sandstone stairs 0.025000
Red sandstone wall 0.0255000
Red tulip 0.01100
Redstone block 0.15 
Redstone lamp 0.02 
Redstone ore 0.025 
  Deepslate redstone ore
Redstone wire 0.0 
Repeater 0.015 
Respawn anchor10.3 
Rose bush 0.01100
Sand 0.0210000
Sandstone 0.08 
Sandstone slab 0.0410000
Sandstone stairs 0.125000
Sandstone wall 0.085000
Sea lantern 0.05 
Sea pickle1000.01 
Shulker box 0.5 
  Black shulker box, Blue shulker box, Brown shulker box, Cyan shulker box, Gray shulker box, Green shulker box, Light blue shulker box, Light gray shulker box, Lime shulker box, Magenta shulker box, Orange shulker box, Pink shulker box, Purple shulker box, Red shulker box, White shulker box, Yellow shulker box
Shroomlight 0.02 
Skeleton skull 1.010
  Creeper head, Creeper wall head, Dragon head, Dragon wall head, Player head, Player wall head, Skeleton wall skull, Zombie head, Zombie wall head
Slime block 0.05100
Smithing table2500.02 
Smooth basalt100000.0125 
Smooth quartz 0.15000
Smooth quartz slab 0.0510000
Smooth quartz stairs 0.155000
Smooth red sandstone 0.025 
Smooth red sandstone slab 0.012510000
Smooth red sandstone stairs 0.03755000
Smooth sandstone 0.08 
Smooth sandstone slab 0.0410000
Smooth sandstone stairs 0.125000
Smooth stone 0.012 
Smooth stone slab 0.00610000
Snow 0.0 
Snow block 0.05 
Soul campfire 0.015 
Soul fire 0.0 
Soul lantern 0.025 
Soul sand100000.01 
Soul soil100000.01 
Spore blossom 0.01100
Spruce door 0.02 
Spruce fence 0.01755000
Spruce fence gate 0.04100
Spruce stairs 0.015 
Spruce trapdoor 0.03 
Spruce wood 0.0110000
  Stripped spruce wood
Sticky piston 0.06 
Stone 0.0110000
  Infested stone
Stone brick slab 0.00610000
Stone brick stairs 0.0185000
Stone brick wall 0.0125000
Stone bricks 0.01220000
  Infested stone bricks
Stone pressure plate 0.0 
Stone slab 0.00510000
Sugar cane 0.0 
Sunflower 0.01100
Sweet berry bush 0.01100
Terracotta 0.02 
  Black terracotta, Blue terracotta, Brown terracotta, Cyan terracotta, Gray terracotta, Green terracotta, Light blue terracotta, Light gray terracotta, Lime terracotta, Magenta terracotta, Orange terracotta, Pink terracotta, Purple terracotta, Red terracotta, White terracotta, Yellow terracotta
Tinted glass 0.075 
Tnt 0.08 
Trapped chest 0.02 
Tripwire 0.0 
Tripwire hook2500.015 
Tuff 0.01510000
Twisting vines250.01 
  Twisting vines plant
  Cave vines, Cave vines plant
Warped door 0.02 
Warped fence 0.01755000
Warped fence gate 0.04100
Warped fungus 0.0 
Warped hyphae 0.0110000
  Stripped warped hyphae
Warped nylium 0.01510000
Warped roots 0.0 
Warped stairs 0.015 
Warped stem 0.01100
  Stripped warped stem
Warped trapdoor 0.03 
Water 0.0 
  Bubble column
Waxed copper block 0.3 
  Waxed exposed copper, Waxed weathered copper, Waxed oxidized copper
Waxed cut copper 0.3 
  Waxed exposed cut copper, Waxed weathered cut copper, Waxed oxidized cut copper
Waxed cut copper stairs 0.175 
  Waxed exposed cut copper stairs, Waxed weathered cut copper stairs, Waxed oxidized cut copper stairs
Waxed cut copper slab 0.15 
  Waxed exposed cut copper slab, Waxed weathered cut copper slab, Waxed oxidized cut copper slab
Weeping vines250.01 
  Weeping vines plant
Wet sponge200.05 
Wheat 0.0 
White banner 0.0220
  Black banner, Blue banner, Brown banner, Cyan banner, Gray banner, Green banner, Light blue banner, Light gray banner, Lime banner, Magenta banner, Orange banner, Pink banner, Purple banner, Red banner, Yellow banner
White bed11.0 
  Black bed, Blue bed, Brown bed, Cyan bed, Gray bed, Green bed, Light blue bed, Light gray bed, Lime bed, Magenta bed, Orange bed, Pink bed, Purple bed, Red bed, Yellow bed
White carpet 0.025000
  Black carpet, Blue carpet, Brown carpet, Cyan carpet, Gray carpet, Green carpet, Light blue carpet, Light gray carpet, Lime carpet, Magenta carpet, Orange carpet, Pink carpet, Purple carpet, Red carpet, Yellow carpet
White concrete 0.05 
  Black concrete, Blue concrete, Brown concrete, Cyan concrete, Gray concrete, Green concrete, Light blue concrete, Light gray concrete, Lime concrete, Magenta concrete, Orange concrete, Pink concrete, Purple concrete, Red concrete, Yellow concrete
White concrete powder 0.04 
  Black concrete powder, Blue concrete powder, Brown concrete powder, Cyan concrete powder, Gray concrete powder, Green concrete powder, Light blue concrete powder, Light gray concrete powder, Lime concrete powder, Magenta concrete powder, Orange concrete powder, Pink concrete powder, Purple concrete powder, Red concrete powder, Yellow concrete powder
White glazed terracotta 0.02 
  Black glazed terracotta, Blue glazed terracotta, Brown glazed terracotta, Cyan glazed terracotta, Gray glazed terracotta, Green glazed terracotta, Light blue glazed terracotta, Light gray glazed terracotta, Lime glazed terracotta, Magenta glazed terracotta, Orange glazed terracotta, Pink glazed terracotta, Purple glazed terracotta, Red glazed terracotta, Yellow glazed terracotta
White stained glass 0.05 
  Black stained glass, Blue stained glass, Brown stained glass, Cyan stained glass, Gray stained glass, Green stained glass, Light blue stained glass, Light gray stained glass, Lime stained glass, Magenta stained glass, Orange stained glass, Pink stained glass, Purple stained glass, Red stained glass, Yellow stained glass
White stained glass pane 0.02 
  Black stained glass pane, Blue stained glass pane, Brown stained glass pane, Cyan stained glass pane, Gray stained glass pane, Green stained glass pane, Light blue stained glass pane, Light gray stained glass pane, Lime stained glass pane, Magenta stained glass pane, Orange stained glass pane, Pink stained glass pane, Purple stained glass pane, Red stained glass pane, Yellow stained glass pane
White tulip 0.01100
White wall banner 0.0220
  Black wall banner, Blue wall banner, Brown wall banner, Cyan wall banner, Gray wall banner, Green wall banner, Light blue wall banner, Light gray wall banner, Lime wall banner, Magenta wall banner, Orange wall banner, Pink wall banner, Purple wall banner, Red wall banner, Yellow wall banner
White wool 0.0564
  Black wool, Blue wool, Brown wool, Cyan wool, Gray wool, Green wool, Light blue wool, Light gray wool, Lime wool, Magenta wool, Orange wool, Pink wool, Purple wool, Red wool, Yellow wool
Wither rose 0.01100

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